Do something now before it’s too late – Global Fashion Exchange

Influential figures in the world of fashion are joining forces with the Global Fashion Exchange (GFX) in a bid to overhaul the shopping habits of the nation and change their wardrobes through sustainable fashion. Founded in 2O13, GFX makes an impact through innovative clothing swap events, curated talks and cultural activations around the world. UK citizens, alone, throw away over 300,000 tonnes of textiles every year and, on average, wear each piece of clothing for only seven days and only 16% of clothes are being reused, with the other 84% being either burnt, dumped in landfills or sent to other countries to only reuse buttons and zips.

GFX founder Patrick Duffy is highlighting the environmental damage fashion is having through a series of ground-breaking pop up talks and sustainable fashion swaps across the country, to highlight the environmental damage fashion is having on our environment. Over the years, GFX has helped save 22 tons of clothes (over 40,000 pounds) from going to landfills through events held on three continents, in four global cities.

According to the not-for-profit global movement, Fashion Revolution, 25% of the carbon footprint of clothes come from the way we care for them; for example, one million tonnes of synthetic fibres discharge into waste water every year – the equivalent of approximately 53,000 plastic bottles coming off our clothes in the wash. Fashion Revolution has teams in over 100 countries around the world. The organisations campaigns for systemic reform of the fashion industry with a focus on the need for greater transparency in the fashion supply chain.

As such, if everyone wore their clothes more, we could reduce carbon, water and waste footprints by up to 30%. To put things into perspective – most people wear their clothing for an average of seven days, when the average should be three years.

The next swap will be taking place on Sunday 23 September and will be available for all to experience.


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