What’s it all about ?

A very warm welcome reader to CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN, an extraordinary menswear blog for the ordinary man or as Mark Twain put it, “Naked people have little or no influence on society”.Couldn’t have put it better meself, Mark.

When we say ordinary man, we don’t mean this in a derogatory manner, no siree. For too long the ordinary man on the street, the everyday guy, the man we all know, yes essentially me and you, haven’t had a voice when it comes to all matters of a sartorial nature. When is comes to style, either things are far too high end or too high street and basically we know what we like, we just need to be informed about it, not told, we are not worthy if this piece of clothing isn’t in our wardrobe.

Now that’s where we come in, we intend to inform you on all matters that affect you and the clothes you buy plus the grooming products you purchase, whether that be a suit from Prada or Primark, a shirt from Balenciaga or Burton or an After Shave from Ted Baker to Tom Ford.

Plus, we’ll be offering you a couple of other helpful little nuggets along the way, for example Textual Conversations will be regular interviews with figures of interest from the industry, whether that be designers, journalists, CEO or regular joes. Also, here at CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN, we’ll be bringing you essential guides to the make the most of a weekend away to key destinations from New York to Newcastle with our Home & Away guides. And that’s not all, to keep you on your toes we’ll throw in Wildcard posts which can be on anything from exhibitions and film reviews to general things of interest.

We will be your invaluable guide, your one stop, before you shop and like any good mate, if you have a quandary about what to wear for a certain event, whether that be meeting your girlfriend’s parents for the first time or what to wear when asking your boss for that all important pay rise, just ask. We’re here to help you, think of me as your agony Ant, so just Ask Ant.

Well, that’s enough of me blathering on, let me just take this opportunity to thank you for logging on and hopefully we’ll all enjoy the journey. Ohhh and by the way, we love to hear from you whether on things you’d like to see or if you need to ask our advice on a matter of the cloth, just drop us a line to askant@ymail.com




  1. Lee Wheatley
    22/02/2012 / 22:12

    Sounds the business, I will certainly be using your fab advice


    • 23/02/2012 / 21:06

      Thanks Dan

      Let hope you become a regular subscriber to the blog.

      Many thanks

  2. J
    06/03/2012 / 18:22

    I’ve got directed here from Mr. Porter’s twitter, but I have to say – I’m loving this blog already!
    Definitely will be a regular on here 🙂

    • 06/03/2012 / 20:29

      Thanks J

      Glad you enjoyed the blog and please remember to hit the follow me button so you never miss a new post.

  3. ged mcgrath
    01/04/2012 / 05:46

    Great blog, keep it up!

    • 01/04/2012 / 17:53

      Thanks for the complement Ged, great surname by the way. You should click on the follow button then confirm the email so you never miss a new post. Keep reading and enjoying mate. A.M

  4. Tiffany
    31/05/2012 / 21:30

    Hurrah for M*****h! (just in case you’re incognito)

    • 31/05/2012 / 21:34

      Why thank you Tiff, glad your enjoying the blog. You should follow so you never miss an essential post.

  5. Simonsoc
    06/07/2012 / 07:45

    I am currently wearing odd trainers – one green, one grey. They’ll all be doing it next week!

    • 06/07/2012 / 08:14

      I do genuinely think you might be on to something, but I think you know your a trend setter

  6. Richard Mk
    28/02/2023 / 18:19

    Yes Agony Ant!! Just discovered this and looking forward to more conversations around non-nakedness!

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