As someone so kindly pointed out to me today, Christmas is but only 75 days away and after years of disappointment when come the big day and you think you’re getting the lego Millennium Falcon and you get a Scooby Doo box set, actually happened, or Eagle Eyes Action Man and you get Cluedo, actually happened. Please heed these words of warning, be careful what you say at this time of year, never, I repeat, never say, “Ahhh I love……” as people take you at your word and literally think you LOVE Scooby or Cluedo, trust me.
Now, a tried and trusted Christmas present idea is always underwear, now I’m not talking a three pack of jockey tanga briefs here, but if you’re not careful and watch what you say, that’s exactly what could be waiting for your under the Christmas Tree. So as always Clothes Make the Man has done the research on your behalf to save you the hardship. Check this lot out.

Ralph Lauren pretty much does everything from Clothing, to homeward to fragrances and we have to be honest he does a pretty mean line in underwear to boot. Great fit and comfortable to match.

He had to be in there The King of Underwear, Calvin Klein. Synonymous with great underwear, its hard to beat CK and its no longer restricted to Black, White & Grey no more, think Pink, Purple and pretty much any other colour of pattern

Dolce & Gabbana aren’t just supreme in Italian Menwear, but what goes beneath the Clothes too. We’ve gone for Classic Marl Grey. But the D&G Boys offer a whole spectrum of colours, shapes and fits.

Not a personal favourite of Clothes-Make-the-Man but we can’t dispute the popularity of the Boxer Short. So if this is your underwear du jour, keep it simple and ALWAYS of good quality like these from Hanro

he wasn’t just a Champion of tennis, Bjorn Borg’s Underwear range has to win the title of the most colourful, although we’ve gone for a tamer option. This range lets you be as colourful as you want to go.