Father’s Day Gift Guide in association with M&S

Yes, its come round again Father’s Day is this Sunday, well just in case the above banner, courtesy of our kind friends at Marks & Spencer, wasn’t a big enough clue. Hey, you can’t ever say…

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A true man of the cloth – Mark Powell

Mark Powell, is somewhat of a modern day maverick, he can often be seen striding around the streets of Soho, almost resembling a great kindly monarch prevuing over his kingdom and acknowledging his subjects as…

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What do you buy the man who has everything ? (Personally, Nothing !)

As we hurtle closer to the big day, there is always, that male relative who is especially hard to buy for, why ? Because he has everything !!!!! You ask him every year, what do…

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Rockin around the Christmas Tree – Office Christmas party etiquette

This coming Friday,  yes Friday 14th December is the most popular date for Office Christmas parties, this year. You and your colleagues from offices and places of work up and down the land will be…

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Life is a Rollercoaster – AskAnt

Good day to you avid reader of Clothes make the man, I trust life is treating you fair and just today and I find you in good health. Today’s enquiry is rather timely, as its…

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