Fragrant Denim – Mr Black’s Garment Essentials

MR.BLACK 2We have many things to thank our antipodium cousins for, not only filling our TV channels with countless quality daytime soap operas, the cultural design greats of Ken Done and crocodile Dundee, Dame Kylie Minogue, The King Sisters and now we have a true wonder of the Southern Hemisphere, Mr Black Denim Refresh and Denim Wash.

As we all know when we purchase a pair of denim jeans, they are never quite the same after we wash them, in fact, leading denim manufacturers recommend raw and dry denim not to be washed for up to six months, and minimum washing from then on. This allows the denim to develop an individual character, and with non-frequent washing it will acquire a fabulous natural look. Now, Mr Black’s Garment Essentials care range shares the same ethos, and has created unique formulas to prolong unwashed jeans.

Denim refresh is an all-in-one product designed to clean and refresh, that prevents stains from settling in your denim. Denim refresh gets to the root of the problem by attacking down the oils, surface dirt and bacteria that causes the odors in the first place. Using denim refresh extends the life of your denim by extending the time between washing and dry-cleaning. In fact the active ingredient was found used in morgues, nice.

When it comes time to washing your jeans, Mr. Black’s unique enzyme free wash, is specifically formulated to clean and help maintain the original color intensity of your dry denim and pre wash jeans. This highly concentrated denim soft wash offers unsurpassed cleaning action whilst minimizing fading, shrinkage or stretching.



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