Expert reveals how to make your fragrance last in hot weather

Nothing is more attractive than smelling nice, and with the long hot summer days in full swing, prolonging your chosen scent at events such as weddings, graduations, and proms is essential to feeling confident.  

It can be frustrating when spending lots of money on expensive perfumes for them not to last longer much more than an hour which is why fragrance sample specialists at Parfumery have put together top tips on how to get the most out of your fragrances during the peak of summer – leading you to smell amazing all day long.   

Put your fragrances in the fridge 

You should be cautious in deciding where you store your fragrance/s, as many factors can cause the scent to change purely based on whether they are sat in direct sunlight and how humid the area is. Putting your perfume in the fridge is a great way to keep your perfumes at a cool temperature, therefore maintaining the aroma within the scent. It also works as a great way to enhance any fresh notes that may be in your scent such as lemon, mint, and bergamot. If putting your fragrances in the fridge might be a step too far for you, you should still make sure to store your scent in a cool and dry place such as a draw or cupboard in a cooler room.  

Top Tip – Although your fragrances may look pretty on display, you may also be damaging the surfaces on which they are stored if any are known to leak or are easily knocked over. Check over your bottles and see if there have been any signs of leakage; if so, it might be worth changing around their home. 


Use petroleum jelly 

If you want to try something physical to aid your scent in lasting longer, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to your skin before applying the fragrance. The jelly will lock in the scent and help it to last all day, especially if applied to pulse points. 


Spray your hair 

Use specific hair mists and scents to accompany your everyday fragrance. Your hair is known to hold scent extremely well, which is why so many beautifully scented hair products are on the market. To apply hair scents  or mists, it is best to flip your head over and spritz an even coating of the scent to your hair throughout the lengths and leave for a couple of seconds to allow it to dry. 

  Top TipTry spraying your hairbrush or comb with your scent and running it through dry hair. Avoid directly applying fragrance  to your hair, as the alcohol in the fragrance can cause damage to the hair.

Spray more than one area 

By restricting your application to spraying the neck and wrists, you neglect many other areas that may hold your fragrances better throughout the day. Try spritzing other body parts, such as your belly button, back of the knees and elbows, as these areas tend to get less sunlight and effectively sweat less. The heat can cause your scent to evaporate quicker than when applied on cooler days, so try experimenting with applying it to different areas of the skin that are not exposed to sunlight. 


Layer it up 

 You can maximise your scent in many ways when performing your everyday skincare routine. Try opting for fragranced shower gels and body creams to start off the layers, then apply your perfume and other body mists you love to top off your scent for the day. If your deodorant is part of your specific smell, you can layer these up by applying roll-on and topping off with an aerosol. 

Top Tip – If you are attending a special event such as a wedding or prom, make sure you have a mini-sized perfume or spray that you can take in your bag to top up throughout the evening.



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