Class can commence – MICROBIOME 101

What is the skin microbiome? I hear you ask well, simply, just like our gut relies on certain types of bacteria to keep it healthy, the same goes for our skin. Our skin hosts roughly 100 trillion micro-organisms made up of more than 1000 species of bacteria, viruses, mites and fungi. The place where all this bacteria and other microorganisms live is called our skin biome. It’s a rich ecosystem that plays a key role in how our skin looks and feels and is largely affected by our surroundings, what we eat and the products we use. Scientists can now tell just by looking at a skin swab which people share the same home, office or even city and cohabiting couples can even be identified by their microbiome profile in nine out of 10 cases. Research is also indicating that some of these microbes promote skin health.

Why should we use probiotics in skincare then? Microbes were present long before we started using products and our skin functioned in a healthy native state. The rise of preservatives in skin and body care along with a number of other factors have eradicated cultures of good bacteria present on our skin. Research is still in its infancy so we’re only just starting to understand the impact this has had on us. Correlative data shows that as our modern hygiene products have advanced, so has the rise of skin concerns such as acne, eczema and dermatitis.

Using probiotics in skincare not only increases cultures of good bacteria on the skin but also optimises their healing benefits; providing a protective barrier by outnumbering bad bacteria, maintaining skin pH and taking down inflammation among many others. It is believed the skin microbiome is the basis of healthy-looking skin.

With a living ecosystem that is out of balance, it’s difficult for it to do the job it needs to. Because of this, the biggest benefit of using probiotic and biome-friendly products is that it helps your skin look and feel good on its own

Probiotic, Prebiotic and Postbiotics; what’s the difference? Probiotics are defined as live bacteria that deliver a benefit to their host. For Mother Dirt their probiotic is the live, patented strain of Ammonia Oxidising Bacteria, Nitrosomonas Eutropha.

Prebiotics are food for good bacteria that ensures their survival and growth. Their bacteria feeds off your sweat (specifically ammonia) so sweat is essentially the prebiotic here which we product naturally so it’s is constantly feeding and growing. The removal of ammonia from the skin helps the skin maintain a normal skin pH.

Postbiotics are by-products of the bacteria’s natural function and can be powerful molecules that support your skins healthy barrier. For Mother Dirt the postbiotic is created when the AOB bacteria converts ammonia into Nitrite and Nitrite Oxide which help calm and soothe the skin.


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