As we hurtle closer to the big day, there is always, that male relative who is especially hard to buy for, why ? Because he has everything !!!!! You ask him every year, what do you want for Christmas ? Or you think you have the perfect gift idea, until you see him with it already ! Arghhhhhhhh how infuriating it is year in year out, well no longer, hear me, no longer. We at Clothes make the man hear and feel your pain and so we got our thinking cap on because, well we are those men who have everything and we can empathise, because, well me know how hard we are to buy for, so here are some ideas, folks.

What better gift idea for the man who has everything other then SOCKS ! No not just any old sock the finest Cashmere socks from Patherella from the finest of Sock e-tailers.

Like us all the Man who has everything DOES have down time and like us all is partial to a spot of LEGO. Hey, this isn’t building a car or a house, oh no this is Architecture LEGO that has taken some of the finest examples of Modern Architecture and transported it to the world of the brick. See the Guggenheim Museum here, but you can also acquire the Sydney Opera House, The Empire State Building and Burj Khalifa.

Mere mortal trainers like what we wear just don’t cut the mustard. Check these bag boys out from Gucci, no less.

The Man who has everything, finally will have when he unwraps this beauty from Prada come Christmas Morn.

Of Course, Smythson of Bond St, personalised Stationery, an ideal gift, when one is stuck for what to get for that bligher !

If you wish to share the same Tailor as 007 himself. Seek out the service of Designer extraordinaire Mr Tom Ford. Yes, you will have to dig deep into those perfectly bespoke pockets, but it’ll be worth it, trust me.

You can’t buy the man who has everything a simple off the shelf scent ! He can’t be smelling the same as us plebs. Invest in a signature fragrance for him. Boutique fragrance house Miller Harris offer this service where they will literally create your own scent, specifically for you from your instructions and personally preferences.