Ahhhhh the summer is starting to draw to an end and its not just parents that have to think about shopping for School Uniforms in one way or another. At this time of year we all take a look at the old workwear wardrobe and think, Errr yeah it could do with a little update. It’s not just a matter of impressing the boss in the workplace, although that helps, being taken seriously is all important and what you wear and how you wear it makes a big impression. We’re not talking a major overhaul, well for most of us, more a little helping hand, you know what I’m talking about, those white shirts with the stained collar and cuffs, the suit that gone rather shiny and the shoes that have simply seen better days.
On the whole we are spoilt for choice when it comes to catering for suitable workwear, whatever the budget, but I do have to say, remember the golden rules, buy cheap buy twice and you get what you pay for. so we thought we would give you a couple of suggestions to update your workwear wardrobe and bring it bang up to date.

First port of call, has to be Marks & Spencer, sorry I know its predictable, but for a balance of price and quality, they are hard to beat ! I personally love the Savile Row Inspired range. But on their website you find such valuable gems as a suit guide and what to wear for an interview. So if you don’t get that job you know who to blame.

Now, the devil’s in the detail and don’t fall at the final hurdle by the accessories you carry. I know what you’re gonna say, “What, d’ya think I’m made of money”. See this beautifully crafted man bag by Mulberry as an investment piece that, if treated with respect will be with you til the day you retire. Plus have everyone from the CEO to the new work experience fawn all over it !

Remember, workwear doesn’t have to match the dull weather of a deep Winter’s day. Show your creative side by mixing it up, use the blazer of a suit and add some colour with some chinos in seasonal tones and replace that drab shirt with a checked one with a knitted tie. The American Retailer Banana Republic are masters of this, so don’t worry if you don’t have a store near you as their website is genius.