Ahhh the nights are drawing in and its getting harder and harder to get up in mornings, Winter’s on its way and if your to believe the reports of those pesky weathermen and women, Sian Lloyd I’m talking about you its gonna get mighty cold in the coming weeks (and months). Now the style of knitwear for this season is none of this fine gauge light weight nonsense, Ohhh no. Its as though the Fashion houses around the world have been looking into their meteorological crystal balls and can see Winter 2013 is one for good and heavy old fashion Jumpers !
So we at Clothes Make the Man have searched far and wide for some of the best example of THE knitwear for the season, the knitwear in question being, the ‘Aran Jumper’ otherwise known as the ‘Cable knit Sweater’. Now there is an incredibly interesting, if not macabre, story behind this type of garment. Many moons ago the fishermen of the Aran Island, off the coast of Galway, Eire would get their good lady wives and mothers to knit them, fine sturdy jumpers to keep them warm and protect against those savage Atlantic conditions. Now the ladies would knit for their men folk jumpers but would add in intrinsic cable patterns onto them. So heres the interesting bit, every family who lived on the three main Islands which make up the Aran Islands, Inishmore, Inishmaan and Inisheer would all alter their patterns, almost like having a family coat of arms. So if one of the fishermen were wash overboard, basically his body could be identified by the jumper, or more importantly, the pattern on his Aran Jumper, told you it was macabre !
So with thought still engrained on your minds check out 6 of the best examples, our finest retailers have to offer –

Keeping it nice and simple , this fine example with go will pretty much anything. Its by Remus Uomo from House of Fraser

Colour my life, there’s no chance of going missing in the snow if you’re wearing this knit by Paul Smith from MRPORTER.com

Well you can’t get more authentic then an actual Aran Sweater which is produced on the Aran Islands themselves. This is by Inis Meain for galvinformen.com