Aloha indeed – 6 of the best Hawaiian shirts

Remember guys you don’t always have to be look super smart and the epitome of cool 24/7, you can relax and have a sense of humour. In the same way as Christmas Jumpers have made a return to the limelight, at the opposite of side of the year we’ve seen an item of clothing that was seen as the height of bad taste, but only a few years ago. The HAWAIIAN SHIRT ! think Elvis, think  Magnum P.I.think Ace Ventura. Check out SIX of the best below.

Say Aloha to this lil number from Ralph Lauren's Denim & Supply

Say Aloha to this lil number from Ralph Lauren’s Denim & Supply


A great example from Levi's Vintage Clothing @

A great example from Levi’s Vintage Clothing @


Ohhh stand out from the crowd in this TOPMAN number

Ohhh stand out from the crowd in this TOPMAN number


An American classic from Hilfiger Denim

An American classic from Hilfiger Denim


Be safe be seen in this classic Hawaiian Shirt by Quiksilver @ House of Fraser

Be safe be seen in this classic Hawaiian Shirt by Quiksilver @ House of Fraser


Go for that modtro(modern but retro) look with this shirt by Native Youth @ JOY

Go for that modtro(modern but retro) look with this shirt by Native Youth @ JOY