Beat Festival Fatigue: Experts Recommend Viral Sleepy Girl(or boy) Mocktail for Restful Nights

As festival season kicks off, many of us are enjoying late nights, long weekends, and time off work. However, this can disrupt our beauty sleep and daily routines. While having fun is important, it’s essential to take care of your body. Multiple sleepless nights and constant adrenaline can weaken your immune system.

Since May, the global search for effective sleep remedies has increased by 25%, as people look to improve their sleep during the summer. In response, experts at Mattress Online have explored the popular‘Sleepy Girl Mocktail,’ a trendy drink with over 1.5 million views on TikTok. This concoction promises a good night’s sleep, making it an ideal solution after busy summer events.

The Expert-Approved Drink to Keep You Fresh During Festival Season

Approximately one-third of adults aren’t getting the amount of sleep we require, but ‘The Sleepy Girl (or boy) Mocktail’ may be able to help. Originally shared by creator Gracie Norton, her TikTok video showcasing the mocktail recipe has garnered over 1 million views andover 100 thousand likes.

If you’re curious to experience the potential benefits for yourself and inch closer to that coveted eight hours of sleep or more, here’s how to make it:

  • Ice
  • Pure tart cherry juice
  • 1 tablespoon of magnesium powder
  • Lemon flavoured soda or sparkling water

The Benefits of The Sleepy Girl Mocktail

The Tart Cherry: Tart cherry juice is known to contain melatonin, a sleep hormone often taken as a supplement to aid with sleep. The hypothesis is that incorporating this juice into your bedtime routine may augment the melatonin your body naturally produces, meaning a quicker transition into sleep.

The Magnesium: Research indicates that magnesium supplementation can be effective in addressing primary insomnia, impacting sleep duration.

Mattress Online has also devised their own new mocktail for us sleepy girls to try.

Other foods Mattress Online recommends to help you sleep:

Carbohydrates (e.g., pasta and rice):
Despite their negative reputation, carbs are essential for our diets and can contribute to improved sleep. They increase the availability of tryptophan, an amino acid that produces melatonin. Opt for complex carbs like brown rice or whole grains to avoid blood sugar spikes.

B Vitamins (from protein sources like poultry and nuts):
Crucial for brain function, B vitamins are involved in melatonin production. A slight deficiency can disrupt sleep. Vitamin B12, found in animal-based foods, is crucial; for vegans, focus on high-quality protein sources like nuts and lentils.

Melatonin (from plant foods, such as peppers):
While the body produces melatonin naturally, certain plant-based foods, including vegetables (especially peppers), mushrooms, legumes, and select berries, contain melatonin with natural sedative properties.

Magnesium Sources (seeds like pumpkin, hemp, sesame, sunflower, flaxseeds, almonds, and dried thyme):
Essential for muscle relaxation, magnesium enhances melatonin secretion, promoting better sleep.

Zinc (found in oats, wheat germ, sesame seeds, oysters, meat and eggs):
Linked to improved sleep quality, zinc intake from various sources can contribute to a better night’s sleep.

Supplements and Sleep:
Some supplements containing ingredients such as sugar or caffeine have the potential to interfere with sleep. It is recommended to refrain from consuming vitamin B, multivitamins, energy herbs, vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin C close to bedtime. For optimal absorption and to avoid late-night cravings and potential indigestion, it is advisable to take fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) with meals during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.



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