For us folk who live on these on these fair little Isles, unpredictable weather patterns and the uncertainty of what to wear is pretty much second nature. Nonetheless, it doesn’t make it any easier preparing for what the day ahead may have in store for you, particular in matters of a Sartorial nature.
With this in mind, Finisterre, the brand born out of answering the needs of hardy British surfers has for this season collaborated with Blackburn based, British denim specialists Cookson & Clegg to produce its first water repellent denim.
The brands first worked together last season on developing the Ovis merino wool blend jeans. For this season the two brands have brought together their collective expertise to continually push the boundaries of technical denim innovation by producing a product perfect for both the surfer and urban dweller alike. The new Anatis jeans feature a water repellent finish that not only mimics the way water rolls off a duck’s back without getting them wet, but are flurocarbon free and biodegradable. This finish wraps around textile fibres in a thin film that breaks surface tension, so that water droplets and mud simply run off rather than sinking in.