To describe French Designer Agnes B as a phenomena, may sound sycophantic, but this is exactly what she is. From a very early age she always designed clothes that never went of fashion, compiling her own stylistic identity from a combination of classic codes and street trends. One of the quotes she is famous for is and sums her up is;
“Clothes, for me, are all about feeling in harmony with yourself to be able to think about something else. They are only a means. If I can help people to feel good, to feel attractive, so much the better, that’s what brings me pleasure.”
For this season she has collaborated with wunderkind Stylist Jerome Pierre. After the two met back at the end of 2014, the fruits of this meeting are finally available. Pierre worked with Agnès b.’s team, the workshop and the toile makers to create a daily wardrobe where comfort, lightness and fluidity are paramount and the materials employed, are usually kept for evening and formal occasion.
Jerome Pierre is very much the modern day maverick, he splits his time between the cultural capitals of Paris and Berlin. He is attracted to these two metropolises because of their ultra modern and minimalism, rather than their heritage and classical beauty. He designs clothes like fluid architecture, which stages the movement. He gained great inspiration from the patterns of Generative Art, symbolizing the Idea, structured but immaterial.
That’s a nice capsule, I really like the prints from the shirt 😉
Cedric xx
Thanks Cédric